Monday, February 27, 2012

Oil, Oil, and More Oil..... Where has it all gone?

Oh where has all the American Oil gone? People are wondering why their gasoline prices keeping going up, and why there is "Nothing" they can do about it. What is really happening is that people are still believing everything they are told. Plain and Simple...

Riddle me this Batman:
1. Why is there a British Company pumping Oil out of Alaska, and then they sell it to Japan and China?
2. Why are there more foreign companies pumping Oil from the Gulf of Mexico, and why is it so hard for US companies to get permits to do the same?
3. If the plans and permits had been on the table for over THREE YEARS for the LX Pipeline, why did the Obama Administration cancel the project using the excuse that they didn't have "Enough Time" to review the plans and permits? Which is causing the Canadians to look for other buyers, that also include China.
4. Why is there a SURPLUS of gasoline here in the US that is being sold to overseas countries keeping prices here in the US "Artificially" high?

I was asked a couple days ago by a friend "Since this winter was mild, why does the cost of oil keep going up?" My answer "The Heating Fuel (or Oil) was already processed as heating fuel, and would need to be returned to the refinery to have dye removed." She asked what the dye was for and I had to explain that heating fuel does not include the Road or Highway Taxes, which are a Usury Tax for paving road, maintenance, and ect. The "Dye" signifies that this fuel is for heating, and farm equipment. Get caught using fuel with dye in a road vehicle, and you can incur large fees and maybe some jail time.

The ever growing prices have to due with two things, Speculation and/or Inflation.
1. The value, or purchasing power, of the US Dollar has declined by as much as 97% since 1913. That means that things cost more. Think of it like this "It's not that Gold costs more, it's because your dollar is worth less...." The Federal Reserve has been printing a lot of money over the past 100 years, and that increase in currency cause the value do decrease.
2. Speculation of the "Futures" market cause rapid inflation of prices, but on the flip side it cause the duration for prices to return to normal levels to be lengthened. My take on it "If I bought a thousand gallons of fuel at $5 per gallon, I would not want to sell it at the corrected price of $1.25 per gallon." This is seen since prices may come down a bit, but never really return to their true cost levels.

This stuff is not rocket science. You just have to be able to educate yourself, and read through the main stream medias propaganda. Educate yourselves, your loved ones, and your friends on what the Federal Reserve is and does.

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