Monday, February 27, 2012

Pumping up the War....

Every day we hear about Iran, and Iran trying to get a nuclear bomb. The corporate media is pumping up the fear. The fear of what the Iranians "May" do if they were ever to get a nuclear device. My question is "Why?" Why what the Iranians want to get a nuclear device? Could it be that it's due to the fact the all their neighbors have a nuclear device? Maybe it's the ultimate form of "The Jones"....

Lets look at a little history. Iran has never invaded another country, and the British and American Governments have to interfering in their political affairs since 1953. BP was the main exporter of Iranian oil until the revolution of 1979. During the Iraq / Iran War the US was arming and funding both sides of the war.

I always hear people saying "They hate us for our freedom!" That couldn't be farther from the truth. They hate us for meddling in their countries affairs, and killing their citizens. Think of it like this, what would Americans think if a foreign government, we'll say China, were to bring their military to the US, and start opening Military Bases. Then they start bombing our cities, and policing our streets. They then tell us when we start fighting them that they are here to keep us safe from our government who is opposed to there form of government. They start raiding homes, and sometimes with bad information, they kill innocent civilians. Do you think we would fight? Do you think we would do all we could to cast out these occupiers? Would we ask our neighboring countries for help? Here is a video that better portrays what I'm trying to get you to understand....

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