Saturday, February 25, 2012

History... It is unappreciated, and mislead. People are to believe that what they have always been told was "True", and that the "Facts" were exactly that, "Facts".
Now we're in the age of information. The "Truth" is out there. Only problem is, "How many people are really looking for it?" You'd be very surprised to learn, Not Many!
There is too much interference. This interference comes from our ever expanding entertainment genres. People are continually bombarded with stimulus, and are to the point that the truth is, for the most part, flushed down the toilet.
The ever growing epidemic of cooperate owned news media outlets keep people floating in a bed of lies that drowned them daily. "Who can we trust?" people ask. The truth is "No one".... From Romney's company, Bain Capital, owning "Clear Channel". (Which airs Fox News Radio) Then you have companies like "GE" who own NBC & MSNBC. Do you know "Who" owns your most favorite news organization? Would you think that these companies would let these so called "News Organizations" report on things that may be against their best interests, or maybe push something that is?
Take the current pumping up of war propaganda by all the news organizations. You hear about Iran, Iranian Oil, and the taking of the US Embassy Hostages in 1979. What are they not telling you is "WHY". Why did this country have a revolution in 1979, and why do they have such a hatred for the US? What happened that lead up to these events. I know your Google-Fu may be as good as mine, so I challenge you to Google, or YouTube "CIA: Operation Ajax". What you will find will surprise you. Why will I not just tell you what happened so long ago? It's just become even more creditable when you learn it for yourself.

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