Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Smartest Man in the Village Theory

I, for the most part, am an Atheist. I do not believe in any one "God", or "Gods", or "Powers".. ect... I believe in what is called the "Smartest Man in the Village Theory". It's simple really. Think of days long ago, at or around 2500 years. People were still living off the lands, and education was minimal at best.

A boy walks up to the Smartest Man in the Village, and asks "Why has it rained so much lately." The man replies to the boy "The gods are angry that we have not produced enough grain this year, so we must kill a virgin and throw her body into the volcano." Then it was so...
Time passes, and a boy asks the Smartest Man in the Village "Why has it been so hot and dry?" The man replies "The gods are angry that we haven't worked hard enough to sow our fields, so we must kill a virgin and throw her body into the volcano." Then it was so...
Time passes, and a boy asks the Smartest Man in the Village "We have sowed the fields and there as been plenty of rain, but grasshoppers are eating our field. What must we do?" The man replies "The gods are angry that we have been killing all of our virgins, so we must kill a virgin and throw her body into the volcano." Then it was so...

The last one was a goof, but I think you get the point by now...

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